z Sustainability | VishnuSurya
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The Vishnusurya business model respects the environment, and the sustainability policy of the company demonstrates their commitment to ensure that all activities contribute to resilient structures and a positive legacy for the planet.

The Company integrates sustainability indicators into every project to ensuring consistent measuring, monitoring and reporting on the sustainability performance of construction projects. Challenges such as water and sanitation shortages, decarbonization of energy, and the need for resilient infrastructure are addressed across projects.

Sustainability Initiatives

  • Develop design and execute projects with a focus on the environment, safety, and well-being of the people in the communities.
  • Encourage inclusive, participatory engagement and respect for the local culture and values in the sites where projects are executed.
  • Enhance the capabilities and capacity of workers and businesses through local procurement and hiring processes to stimulate economic development with multiplier effects in the areas served.
  • Identify and mitigate sustainability issues.
  • Conserve the site environment through reduced energy use, air emissions, water and resource consumption, and through effective waste management.
  • Building climate- resilient buildings as possible.
  • Responsible sourcing of materials.
  • Ownership of environmental performance at business and project levels.