z Governance Policies | VishnuSurya
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Corporate Governance Policies

  • Corporate Social Responsibility Policy - Click here
  • Code of Conduct for Directors and Senior Management - Click here
  • Code of Fair Disclosure - Click here
  • Dividend Distribution Policy - Click here
  • Familiarization Program for Independent Directors - Click here
  • Health, Safety and Environment Policy - Click here
  • Internal Procedures and Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading - Click here
  • Materiality Policy for Identification of Group Companies - Click here
  • Nomination and Remuneration Policy - Click here
  • Policy for Archival of Documents - Click here
  • Policy for Determination of Material Events and Disclosure - Click here
  • Policy for Determination of Material Subsidiaries - Click here
  • Policy on Diversity on Board - Click here
  • Policy on Evaluation of Board and Independent Directors - Click here
  • Policy on Identification of Material Creditor and liti - Click here
  • Policy on Prevention of Sexual Harrasment at Workplace - Click here
  • Policy on Related Party Transactions - Click here
  • Policy on Succession Planning for Board and Senior Management - Click here
  • Policy on Terms of Appointment of Independent Directors - Click here
  • Vigil Mechanism_Whistle Blower Policy for Directors and Employees - Click here