z Transportation | VishnuSurya
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In the last decade, the country has witnessed a transformational change- construction booms to e-commerce, retail growth to scramble for physical spaces,and scarcity of housing. With people and goods traveling farther to their destinations each day, the need for efficient transit infrastructure to catalyze the economic multiplier, support, and sustain this growth is now imperative.

Vishnusurya has a proven track record in transportation infrastructure projects across diverse modes in all phases of the value chain to effectively connect people and communities, linking businesses to key trade routes, optimizing region-wide infrastructure, strengthening economies, and facilitating socio- economic growth.

Roads, Highways & Bridges


Vishnusurya brings the best engineering minds, advanced tools, innovation, proven experience, and a sharp focus on long-term growth and sustainability to deliver strategic roads, highways and bridges that adhere to all regulatory and commercial regimes.

The road and bridge construction projects involve the installation of complete road systems, the excavation of old and damaged pavements to installation of finished asphalt, surfaces, traffic signals, and street lights.

A trusted provider to both State and local governments, Vishnusurya has a track record in delivering roadway projects in urban, rural, regional, and remote locations.

Vishnusurya’s capabilities and delivery experience for the transit industry include complex and large-scale implementations for arterial and local road construction, strengthening and widening of existing roads, pavement rehabilitation, road realignments, and culvert upgrades with support services and infrastructure.

Technical compliance, safety, construction abilities, and cost-efficiencies drive every effort –planning to design, execution, management and delivery of urban, rural, and municipal roads that address the economic, social, and environmental needs of the communities served even as it delivers increased project value.

Vishnusurya prioritizes environmental impact in implementing projects to deliver roads, and highways that maintain the strictest erosion –control policies that minimize the probable discharge of pollutants, and reduce transport emissions at the work sites.

Currently, the company is exploring a sustainable agenda which includes buildingroads with recycled products, and smart roads to improve driver efficiency and traffic management, with a definite positive impact on the planet.


Signature highway corridors are a gateway to the communities and facilitate the smooth flow of complex interchanges.

Vishnusurya works on every aspect of highway infrastructure projects — Right from traffic analysis, urban design, environmental impact, feasibility analysis, preliminary engineering to final design, construction, and delivery.

Capabilities include national and interstate highways, roundabouts and signalized intersections, and highway safety


Bridges spanning roads, railways, rivers, crossing valleys, estuaries, and even sea straits. The expert bridge team can take it up from planning to procuring, designing, and delivering technically demanding structures.

Vishnusurya offers full-service capabilities and advanced technology for planning, design and construction of complex span and movable bridges. The bridge types include steel, concrete girders, cantilevers, accelerated bridges, cable-stayed, post-tensioned concrete, movable, arch, segmented, suspension, pedestrian, and reconstructed models.

Rail & Metro Rail


Railways continue to have a positive impact on the communities, businesses, and environment providing rapid and safe movement for passengers and efficient transit of goods. With the government promoting net zero carbon targets, rail is also fast emerging as one of the greener modes of transport.

Vishnusurya has the expertise and the capability to deliver rail projects that adhere to sustainability strategies, smart digitization, and methodologies that focus on operational resilience and energy efficiencies.

Handling all phases- feasibility and design studies to construction, site supervision,and maintenance of networks, the specialist rail deliveries include: track, overhead line equipment and rail systems, network upgrades, stabling facilities, and station infrastructure that drive speed, safety, and sustainable rail mobility.

Metro Rail

Call them the perfect allies in the transformation of cities, Vishnusurya has executed metro rail projects, elevated rail corridors, rigid overhead contact systems, track laying, track and overhead electrification, DC Power rail, total mechanization, underground alignments, mechanical excavations, and soft tunneling using road headers.

New Mobility


The company is currently exploring the possibilities of operating connected, autonomous, & electric vehicle technology in the road network operations.